Innovative and Unique Ways To Reuse Your Garbage | Eco Friend

It’s no secret that our society creates a lot of waste. The amount of garbage we produce each year is downright staggering. The average person produces 4.4 pounds of waste each day. With a little creativity, finding ways to reuse your garbage instead of sending it to the landfill is easy. Here are just a few examples of innovative ways to recycle your trash:

Innovative and Unique Ways To Reuse Your Garbage

Milk Jug Planters

Reusing everyday household items is to create milk jug planters for your garden. These easy-to-transport planters are perfect for housing small plants or starting seedlings. To create a milk jug planter, clean a used milk jug and remove the labels.

Poke a few small holes in the bottom of the jug for drainage and fill with potting mix. Plant your seeds or seedlings, add water, and you’re ready to go!

Plastic Soda Bottles Bird Feeder

reuse your garbage

One unique way to reuse your garbage is to turn plastic soda bottles into bird feeders. To make a soda bottle bird feeder, remove the bottom of the bottle and flip it upside down. Then, cut a small hole in the bottle’s side and thread a string length through it.

Next, fill the bottle with birdseed and tie the string around a tree branch or other support. Finally, sit back and enjoy watching the birds flock to your homemade feeder.

Egg Carton Seed Starters

Another way to reuse your garbage is to use paper egg cartons as seed starters. The paper is biodegradable, so once the seedlings are big enough, you can plant them directly in the ground. Egg cartons are also a great way to recycle newspapers. Cut the egg cartons into individual sections and roll the newspaper tightly.

Then, wet the newspaper and place it in the egg carton. The newspaper will absorb moisture and provide nutrients for the seedlings.

Newspaper Cleaning

Newspaper is fantastic for cleaning things up. Ripping it into strips can reach all the nooks and crannies of things and clean them up better than a paper towel ever could. It’s also way cheaper.

You can dust, clean windows, or even line your cat’s litter box with it. Best of all, it’s easily recyclable when you’re done with it. It is such a fantastic waste to reuse your garbage.

Newspaper For Protection

reuse your garbage

Newspapers can line shelves and drawers, protecting them from dirt and dust. They can also be used to wrap breakable items, such as dishes and glassware. In addition, newspapers make excellent packing material for delicate items that need to be shipped.

By reusing in this way, newspapers help keep your home clean and clutter-free while also reducing waste. So the next time you’re about to throw away that stack of old newspapers, think twice—you may be able to put them to good use.

Newspaper Bag Gloves

Use newspaper as bag gloves. Slip a bag over your hand, and you’ll have an easy way to protect your hands from getting dirty. Plus, you can recycle the bag when you’re done. Newspapers are also great for wrapping breakable items, like dishes or glassware. 

Newspaper Bags for Animal Waste

Newspaper Bags are a great way to reduce the amount of plastic thrown away, and they’re also eco-friendly. Plus, they’re a great way to keep your furry friend’s messes contained. All you need to do is line a bag with some old newspapers and then scoop up the waste as usual.

When you’re done, tie up the bag and dispose of it in your trash can. It’s that easy!

Old Bread Croutons

Did you know you can reuse your old bread to make croutons? Cut the bread into cubes, drizzle with olive oil and your favorite seasonings, and bake in a preheated oven until crispy.

This is a great way to reduce food waste and allows you to customize your croutons to suit your taste. You can also use stale bread to make bread pudding or crumble it into a coarse powder to use as a topping for casseroles or salads.

Old Typewriter Key Cufflinks

You can repurpose the old keys by transforming them into cufflinks. This is a unique and extraordinary gift for any occasion. The best part about this idea is that it reuses something that would otherwise be garbage. It’s essential to be innovative when it comes to recycling and waste.

There are many ways to do this; old typewriter key cufflinks are one great example.

Toilet Paper Tube Pet Toys

reuse your garbageYou can reuse toilet paper tubes to make pet toys out of them. Cats love to play with toilet paper tubes, making great tunnels for small rodents to burrow in. So next time you’re about to throw away a toilet paper tube, consider giving it new life as a pet toy instead.

Empty Pill Container Organizers

Most people don’t think twice about throwing away an empty pill bottle. However, these bottles can be reused in a variety of ways. For example, they make great organizers for small items like herbs or jewelry.

Clean out the bottle and add a label. Pill bottles are also valid for travel. They’re the perfect size for carrying small amounts of shampoo, lotion, or sunscreen. You can also use them to hold office supplies, like paper clips or pushpins.

Empty Pill Container First Aid Kit

Pill containers can be used as a first aid kit. You can fill the container with band-aids, antiseptic cream, and other small items. This way, you’ll always have a small first aid kit on hand and won’t have to waste any more plastic pill containers.


So, think twice the next time you throw your unwanted things in the garbage! Many creative ways exist to reuse your garbage and reduce your environmental impact. With a little bit of effort, you can help make our planet a more sustainable place.

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