Everyday Items That Can Be Recycled Easily | Eco Friend

There are a lot of everyday items that you can easily recycle without having to go out of your way. You may already be recycling some of these items without even realizing it! Here are a few examples of everyday items you can easily recycle.


Everyday Items that can be Recycled

You may not realize it, but your eyeglasses are made from recyclable material. Recycling eyeglasses is a great way to reduce waste and preserve resources. Unfortunately, millions of used eyeglasses end up in landfills every year

However, recycling eyeglasses can help keep these valuable resources out of the waste stream. And it’s not just the frames that can be recycled—the lenses can also be reused.


Most of us have batteries around our homes—flashlights, smoke detectors, and remote controls. And, when those batteries need to be replaced, tossing them in the trash is tempting. However, batteries are one of the easiest items to recycle. 

There are a few different types of batteries, but the most common are lead-acid, nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal-hydride, and lithium-ion. These battery types can be recycled, and many cities have battery recycling programs. 

To find out how to recycle batteries in your area, do a quick internet search or contact your local waste management department. 

By recycling your batteries, you’ll do your part to help reduce environmental pollution and conserve resources.


Toilets are among the most common items in our homes and can also be among the easiest to recycle. Most toilets are made of porcelain, which can be recycled into new toilets or other ceramic products. 

In addition, many toilets have a water-saving flushing feature that can save thousands of gallons of water per year. If you’re considering upgrading your bathroom, consider recycling your old one. 

Contact your local recycling center to see if they accept toilets and ask about any special recycling instructions.

Foam Packing

You probably don’t give much thought to the packaging of your online orders or takeout food. But those foam-packing peanuts and styrofoam to-go containers can be recycled! 

Most cities have special recycling centers where you can drop off foam packing material. You can also check with local shipping stores – they may be able to reuse the foam packing peanuts. 

And if you have your own business, some companies will pick up your Styrofoam for recycling.


Everyday Items that can be Recycled

Most of us have fond memories of coloring with crayons as children. But what happens to all those wax sticks once we finish them? Surprisingly, there are many different ways to recycle crayons. 

One popular method for these everyday items is to melt them down and use the wax to make new crayons in fun shapes or colors. You can also use crayon shavings to add color to homemade candles. 

Or, if you’re feeling creative, you can even use melted crayons to make works of art.

Ink/Toner Cartridges

Most people don’t think twice about tossing an empty ink or toner cartridge in the trash. But did you know that these cartridges are made of plastic, metal, and other recyclable materials? 

Recycling cartridges benefit the environment and your wallet. Many office supply stores offer discounts on new cartridges when you recycle old ones.

Razors and Toothbrushes

Toothbrushes and razors are two of the most commonly used hygiene products. Unfortunately, many people use these everyday items daily without considering what happens to them after use. 

However, toothbrushes and razors are made of plastic, which means they can take centuries to decompose in landfills. Luckily, both toothbrushes and razors can be easily recycled. 

There are several ways to recycle toothbrushes, including using them as plant markers or donating them to art projects. 

Razors can be recycled similarly, or they can be used to make shavers for animals.


Did you know that you can recycle your electronics? Unfortunately, many people don’t realize that their old phones, laptops, and other everyday items can be recycled and reused. Recycling electronics is one of the easiest ways to reduce your impact on the environment. 

When you recycle your electronics, you help conserve energy and resources. You also reduce the number of harmful toxins and chemicals released into the environment. 

Most importantly, recycling helps to reduce the amount of waste in landfills.


Everyday Items that can be Recycled

Cars are one of the most recycled products in the world. Over 95% of a car can be recycled, and much of that recycled material can be used to make new cars. The steel industry is the biggest user of recycled car parts, as steel is one of the most critical materials used in car manufacturing. 

Almost 70% of the steel used in new cars comes from recycled materials. Recycling cars also conserve energy and reduce pollution. 

It takes less energy to recycle steel than to create new steel, and recycling cars helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the need for mining and manufacturing. 

As a result, recycling cars is good for the environment and benefits the economy.


Many items can be recycled daily, but clothing is one of the easiest things to recycle. Everyday items like clothing can be donated to charity, sold at consignment shops, or even turned into something new. 

For example, old T-shirts can be cut and made into quilts or hand towels. Jeans can be repurposed into shorts or skirts. The options are endless! 

Recycling clothing is good for the environment and a great way to save money.

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