Eco-friendly Way of Cleaning Your White Vinyl Fence [Step By Step Guide]

A vinyl fence is a stylish way to show your house’s natural beauty in a traditional environment in modern days. Moreover, it is a practical addition to your yard which provides safety. There are several reasons for what nowadays it is trending. Easy to install, low -maintenance and weather-resistant are some of its exceptional features. 

But like all other outdoor furniture, they get dirty. So ‘how to clean white vinyl fence in an eco-friendly manner’ is the question every homeowner is wondering about! 

Don’t worry. Cleaning the white vinyl fence is easy. Moreover, you can remove any stains from your vinyl fence with minimal effort and make it as fresh as you want. 

Vinyl fence after cleaning

In this article, you will learn about the eco-friendly way of cleaning your white vinyl fence sequentially. So let’s dive in. 

Step By Step Guide To Cleaning a White Vinyl Fence

One of the best parts of a white vinyl fence is it is non-porous. As a result, the dirt remains just at the surface level. So you can remove the mold, mildew, dust, and other grime easily. 

But white fences get dirty fast and show up the stain or spot quickly. However, with proper techniques and homemade ways of cleaning, you can permanently vanish these stains. 

Just follow the step by step guides properly: 

1. Clean Any Unwanted Dirt Through a Garden Hose

Specks of Dirt like light soil and debris are very certain for a white vinyl fence. You can spray the fence with water. If your garden hose has a pressure nozzle, you can take advantage of it. This move will help speed up the cleaning process.

Clean white vinyl fence

2. Remove Stubborn Dirt Using Dish Soap

If hosing down doesn’t work and stubborn dirt persists, fill the bucket with warm water and a few squirts of dish soap. This technique works well. Just use a scrubbing pad or rag to wash and see how your vinyl fence looks after a while. 

3. Use Vinegar Solution For Cleaning

Vinegar solution is an excellent option for you if you want to remove the mold and mildew. But make sure you have applied the above cleaning process first. 

If those fail, just add 1 cup of distilled white vinegar to every 1-2 gallons of water. Then, wash your white vinyl fence once more with your hand. No doubt, this is the ultimate solution for killing mold and mildew. 

4. Use Pencil Eraser To Remove Stains 

Using pencil erasers for removing stains is one of the best ways to clean vinyl fences. Because many homeowners report that they have applied this technique and got results. So you can try using a large pencil eraser, especially if there are black spots or marks on the fence. 

5. Use Soft Bristle Brush For Tougher Stains

Now it is time to apply the second round of soap with a bristle brush. If you can’t remove the tougher stains, apply this technique. Just scrub away any stubborn areas of your vinyl fence using the brush moistened with the soap mixture. After that, rinse with water. Certainly, it will work. 

Selecting right brush for cleaning fence

6. Solution For Extensive Mold and Mildew

Mildew refers to mold or fungi of various types. Basically, mold and mildew grow organically with the combination of moisture, organic matter, and sunlight. 

Most importantly, they become tough to remove over time. So you need to clean the vinyl fence regularly. Especially, try to take measures as soon as you see them on your fence. 

In case of extensive mold and mildew, you can use vinegar spray. This time add undiluted vinegar into a spray bottle and apply it to the fence. After some time, scrub the mold and mildews. Then rinse with plain water properly. 

Essential Equipment and products For Cleaning

You can collect the following equipment and items for your cleaning purposes: 

  • Garden Hose 
  • Bucket/ Spray Bottle
  • Dish soaps
  • Soft-bristled brush or broom
  • Scrubber/rag/soft cloth 
  • Vinegar 

Tools for fence cleaning

Proactive Tips For White Vinyl Fence

In the above section, we have focused on cleaning a vinyl fence>. But, apart from that, you can keep your vinyl fence clean and fresh like a new one with little care. 

Try to maintain the following instructions as tips to maintain a cleaner fence throughout the year. 

  • Clean the fence regularly. It is effective when you’ve mowed the grass or after a solid torrential rain. If you take care of cleaning the fence periodically, larger stains will not be seen. 
  • Try to hose your fence down about once a week. As a result, mold and mildew won’t build up.
  • For mold and mildews, you should be sincere from the beginning. Especially if you live in an area with a lot of moisture. If mildew appears, attempt to extract it as soon as possible. It will be much more effective if you do that before it expands and spreads.
  • Try to keep the heat sources away from the vinyl fence. 
  • On your vinyl fencing, try to avoid using an abrasive cleaner like bleach or a scouring pad. These have the potential to scrape the coating that gives your fence its lustrous glow. It also ensures the eco-friendly objectives of the cleaning process. 

To Wrap Up

So what do you think about your white vinyl cleaning? It is so easy. You don’t need to invest a lot of money, don’t need additional arrangements. By following our step-by-step guide of eco-friendly cleaning, you will get a shiny white fence! 

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