15 Simple Steps for a More Eco-Friendly Kitchen


I’m going through my apartment step by step to make it more eco-friendly because I want to and, honestly, I need to walk the walk. In particular, I want to have an eco-friendly kitchen. Belgian high school students have been peacefully demonstrating every Thursday to persuade the government to act on climate concerns, and they have received a lot of attention. 

I appreciate the youngsters advocating for their right to a cleaner future. So, hypocritical me needs to put forth more effort as well. When something has to be replaced, I take it one step at a time and seek a long-term solution. 

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9 Ways to Be More Eco-friendly at Home

Eco-friendly home

Do you want to be more eco-friendly at home and live a more sustainably conscious life but aren’t sure where to begin or if your efforts will make a difference? Going green may be daunting at times, and it’s tempting to believe that unless you’re a full-fledged zero-waste-producing eco-warrior, there’s no sense bothering. Consider this: If we all started taking more modest steps together, it would make a difference — and, like most things, it begins at homeSo, apart from recycling, what else can you do to be more environmentally friendly?

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How to Throw an Eco-friendly Holiday Party

Eco-friendly house party

As you prepare to enjoy the holiday season, Mother Earth begs for your assistance. As a result of unmanaged climate change, parts of the planet are raging like infernos. Plastic has been discovered in the guts of several marine creatures by scientists. At the same time, the prevalence of different illnesses, such as Type 2 diabetes, continues to rise. Fast eating and wasteful Western lifestyles are contributing to these issues. You can help by throwing an eco-friendly holiday party with a focus on sustainable options.

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Why Should You Pursue a Green Degree? [2021 Version]

Prospective students with green degree

A green degree provides opportunities for skilled professionals to start a sustainable and green career. With a green degree, you can make permanent solutions to real-world problems that will impact future generations.

Green degrees can lead you to various career paths like- environmental engineer, sustainability specialist, sustainability manager, etc. People like to pay well for green products as well as services. So, being sustainable and green, you can also have a handsome income. Still not clear? Let’s know what a green degree is and what career path this can lead you to.

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10 Astonishing Facts About Hemp Toilet Paper

Hemp toilet paper

Toilet paper is one of the leading culprits in waste. Everyone wants to be eco friendly, but we are not paying proper attention to our daily used materials. We use toilet paper every day and to be precise we need three rolls a week. Have you ever thought about whether they are eco friendly

Napkins, paper towels, tissues and paper remain a big thing wasted daily because we have gotten so accustomed to convenience, none of us wants to make a switch. Don’t get me wrong; I am not asking you to give up toilet rolls or make a significant change. 

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How to Have Eco-friendly Christmas [with Interactive Image]

Eco-friendly Christmas

Christmas eve is joyous for each of us and we celebrate this event each year with great decorations and parties. If you are eco-conscious, you would be looking for eco-friendly ways to have a Christmas party. 

No, I am not telling you to give up decorations, trees and gifts, we can do that, but all I am asking you is to do it in an eco-friendly manner. Let’s make a change this year. Small changes in our actions can help in reducing the environmental footprint during the festive break.

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Best Eco-Friendly Laundry Detergent And Products in 2020?

Eco-friendly Laundry detergent And products? If you want to promote a zero-waste and eco-friendly lifestyle to all aspects of your daily life, it’s worth being aware of everything that you do. We probably don’t think about what goes on in our washing machines, it’s just a chore we have to do about twice a week. Recently we’ve seen that it actually has a magnitude of effects on the environment, especially concerning water waste and aquatic life.

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What are the Best Eco-friendly Cleaning Products in the USA 2020

eco cleaning products

Eco-friendly products have come a long way over the last decade. With a better understanding of the chemicals and toxins used in generic cleaning products, greener alternatives have come to the rescue. We’ve reviewed several sustainable cleaning products, so you know what’s really best from your bathrooms, kitchen, bedroom and most importantly, your health.

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